Omnicasa Api References

Api Classes

AppointmentDetail (Object)

AppointmentObject (Object)

AppointmentOfStatisticsGraph (Object)

AppointmentSummary (Object)

Building (Object)

Categories (Object)

City (Object)

Country (Object)

DemandList (Object)

  • This class is used for the following api(s):
    - GetDemandListJson
    - GetDemandListXml
  • List of properties:
    The field name in the API Data Type Db field
    Attic boolean
    BathRoomsMax integer
    BathRoomsMin integer
    BedRoomsMax integer
    BedRoomsMin integer
    Budget decimal number
    Cellar boolean
    CityDesc string
    Comment string
    Connections integer
    ConstructionClosed boolean
    ConstructionOpen boolean
    ConstructionSemiOpen boolean
    CurrencyType integer
    DemandID integer
    DemandRef string
    District string
    Enddate datetime
    Entered string
    Furbished boolean
    Garden boolean
    GardenTotalMax integer
    GardenTotalMin integer
    GeoCityIds string
    GeoGraphicIDs Collection of string
    Goal integer
    GpsCityName string
    GpsKm decimal number
    InnerPlace boolean
    IsDeleted boolean
    Latitude decimal number
    Lift boolean
    LivingTotalMax integer
    LivingTotalMin integer
    Longitude decimal number
    Manager integer
    MaxAppartmentFloor integer
    MaxBuildingFloor integer
    ModifiedDate datetime
    NumberOfGaragesMax integer
    NumberOfGaragesMin integer
    NumberOfToiletMin integer
    Office boolean
    OfficeID integer
    OriginalId integer
    OutsideSpace boolean
    ParGarMax integer
    ParGarMin integer
    ParkingsMax integer
    ParkingsMin integer
    PersonDescription string
    PersonId integer
    PriceMax decimal number
    PriceMin decimal number
    Quiet integer
    RegionIds string
    School integer
    ShowerRoomsMax integer
    ShowerRoomsMin integer
    SiteId integer
    Status integer
    Street string
    SurfaceGround integer
    SurfaceOfficeMax integer
    SurfaceOfficeMin integer
    SurfaceStoreMax integer
    SurfaceStoreMin integer
    SurfaceTotalMax integer
    SurfaceTotalMin integer
    Terrace boolean
    TerraceTotalMax integer
    TerraceTotalMin integer
    Trade integer
    TypeDesc string
    TypeOfPropertyIDs Collection of string
    UseGps boolean
    WebModified boolean
    Zip string

DemandOfNumber (Object)

Department (Object)

Document (Object)

Geographic (Object)

GeographicID (Object)

History (Object)

  • This class is used for the following api(s):
    - GetAutomaticHistoriesJson
    - GetAutomaticHistoriesXml
    - GetMediaOnlineHistoriesJson
    - GetMediaOnlineHistoriesXml
  • List of properties:
    The field name in the API Data Type Db field
    ContactEmail string P.Email
    ContactFirstName string P.FirstName
    ContactID integer P.PersonID
    ContactIdent string P.Ident
    ContactLastName string P.Name
    Content string H.Content
    Date string H.Date
    ID integer H.HisID
    ImmowebPlus string
    MailStatus string MS.EventType
    MailStatusText string
    MediaID integer H.MediaID
    MediaName string MO.Name
    ObjectID integer HD.ObjectID
    ObjectIdent string O.Ident
    OfficeID integer H.OfficeID
    Plus boolean [[PLUS]]
    PlusEnddate string [[PLUSENDDATE]]
    PlusFlag integer [[PLUSFLAG]]
    Premium boolean [[PREMIUM]]
    PremiumEnddate string [[PREMIUMENDDATE]]
    PremiumFlag integer [[PREMIUMFLAG]]
    ProjectID integer CASE WHEN O.ProjectID > 0 AND ISNULL(O.BuildingID, 0) = 0 THEN O.ProjectID ELSE NULL END
    Subject string H.Subject
    TypeID integer H.HisTypeID
    TypeName string HT.Name[[LANG]]

HistoryAppearance (Object)

HistoryCalendar (Object)

HistorySummary (Object)

HistoryTask (Object)

HistoryType (Object)

HolidayAppart (Object)

  • This class is used for the following api(s):
    - GetHolidayAppartJson
    - GetHolidayAppartListJson
    - GetHolidayAppartListXml
    - GetHolidayAppartXml
  • List of properties:
    The field name in the API Data Type Db field
    Address string A.ADRES
    City string A.WOONPL
    Description string D.Description[[LANG]]
    DomesticAnimal boolean A.DOS_ANIMAL
    ExtractData string A.BESCHRYF
    Floor string A.VERDIEP
    Kind string A.SOORT
    KindName string K.OMSCHR[[LANG]]
    Location string A.LIGGING
    Number string A.NR
    NumberOfPersons integer A.AANTPERS
    Periods Collection of HolidayPeriod
    Photo string A.FOTO1
    Photos Collection of string ISNULL(A.FOTO1,'') + ',' + ISNULL(A.FOTO2,'') + ',' + ISNULL(A.FOTO3,'') + ',' + ISNULL(A.FOTO4,'') + ',' + ISNULL(A.FOTO5,'') + ',' + ISNULL(A.FOTO6,'') + ',' + ISNULL(A.FOTO7,'') + ',' + ISNULL(A.FOTO8,'') + ',' + ISNULL(A.FOTO9,'') + ',' + ISNULL(A.FOTO10,'') + ',' + ISNULL(A.FOTO11,'') + ',' + ISNULL(A.FOTO12,'') + ',' + ISNULL(A.FOTO13,'') + ',' + ISNULL(A.FOTO14,'') + ',' + ISNULL(A.FOTO15,'') + ',' + ISNULL(A.FOTO16,'')
    Prefix string A.PREFIX
    PropMultText string
    Reference string A.REF
    ResID string A.RESID
    SeaFront boolean A.SEA_FRONT
    SmallPhoto string
    SmallPhotos Collection of string
    SunShine boolean A.SUN_SHINE
    Zip string A.POSTNR

HolidayKind (Object)

HolidayPeriod (Object)

MailOutStatistic (Object)

Marquee (Object)

MatchingHistoryCount (Object)

MediaObjectStatisticsGraph (Object)

Neighbourhood (Object)

Office (Object)

OwnerItem (Object)

Person (Object)

  • This class is used for the following api(s):
    - CheckPersonLoginMultiOfficeJson
    - CheckPersonLoginMultiOfficeXml
    - GetPersonByEmailJson
    - GetPersonByEmailXml
    - GetPersonJson
    - GetPersonListJson
    - GetPersonListXml
    - GetPersonXml
  • List of properties:
    The field name in the API Data Type Db field
    Address1 string
    Address2 string
    AddressTitle string
    BankAccount string
    BankAccount2 string
    Birthday string
    City string
    Comment string
    CompanyCityName string
    CompanyCountryId integer
    CompanyCountryName string
    CompanyId integer
    CompanyName string
    CompanyPhone string
    CompanyPostalCode string
    CompanyStreet string
    CompanyStreetBox string
    CompanyStreetNumber string
    CountryID integer
    CountryName string
    DateEntered string
    Email string
    Email2 string
    Email3 string
    FacebookID string
    Fax string
    FirstName string
    ID integer
    Ident string
    LanguageCode string
    LanguageId integer
    LetterTitle string
    MainCategoryID integer
    MainCategoryName string
    ManagerID integer
    ManagerName string
    MediaPreference integer
    MobilePhone string
    ModifiedDate string
    Name string
    NeverSendMail boolean
    NoMailings boolean
    OfficeID integer
    OriginalID integer
    Password string
    PersonStatusId integer
    PersonStatusName string
    PhoneBusiness string
    PhoneComment1 string
    PhoneComment10 string
    PhoneComment2 string
    PhoneComment3 string
    PhoneComment4 string
    PhoneComment5 string
    PhoneComment6 string
    PhoneComment7 string
    PhoneComment8 string
    PhoneComment9 string
    PhoneDescription1 string
    PhoneDescription10 string
    PhoneDescription2 string
    PhoneDescription3 string
    PhoneDescription4 string
    PhoneDescription5 string
    PhoneDescription6 string
    PhoneDescription7 string
    PhoneDescription8 string
    PhoneDescription9 string
    PhoneNumber1 string
    PhoneNumber10 string
    PhoneNumber2 string
    PhoneNumber3 string
    PhoneNumber4 string
    PhoneNumber5 string
    PhoneNumber6 string
    PhoneNumber7 string
    PhoneNumber8 string
    PhoneNumber9 string
    PhonePrivate string
    Profession string
    SendEmail2 boolean
    SendEmail3 boolean
    ShortName string
    SiteID integer
    SourceId integer
    SourceName string
    WebModified boolean
    Zip string

PersonRelation (Object)

PersonSources (Object)

PersonSummary (Object)

Picture (Object)

PointOfInterest (Object)

PrevNextHolidayItem (Object)

PrevNextItem (Object)

PriceRange (Object)

Project (Object)

  • This class is used for the following api(s):
    - GetProjectJson
    - GetProjectListJson
    - GetProjectListXml
    - GetProjectXml
  • List of properties:
    The field name in the API Data Type Db field
    Access string PrTr.txtAccess
    AirportDistance integer O.AirportDistance
    AirportDistanceComment string O.AirportDistanceComment
    BusDistance integer O.BusDistance
    BusDistanceComment string O.BusDistanceComment
    CableType string O.ConnectionCableT
    City string [[CITY]]
    Connections integer O.Connections
    ConnectionsName string O.ConnectionsT
    CountryName string CT.Desc[[LANG]]
    Delivery string PrTr.vchDelivery
    Description string PrTr.vchDescription
    DescriptionA string PrTr.HTMLtxtLongDescription
    DescriptionB string PrTr.HtmltxtDescriptionF
    DescriptionF string PrTr.txtDescriptionF
    DocumentItems Collection of ProjectDocument
    Documents Collection of string NULL
    DrainType string O.ConnectionDrainT
    ElectronicType string O.ConnectionElecT
    EnviromentID integer WO.MainEnviromentId
    EnviromentName string E.Desc[[LANG]]
    EnviromentNames Collection of string [[ENVIROMENTNAMES]]
    ExternalID string
    ExternalWeb string Pr.ExternalWeb
    FloodZoneGScore integer
    FloodZoneGScoreIconUrl string
    FloodZoneGScoreText string
    FloodZonePScore integer
    FloodZonePScoreIconUrl string
    FloodZonePScoreText string
    GasType string O.ConnectionGasT
    GeographicID integer WO.MainGeographicId
    GeographicNames Collection of string [[GEOGRAPHICNAMES]]
    Goal integer O.Doel
    GoogleX string Pr.GoogleX
    GoogleY string Pr.GoogleY
    HasCable boolean O.ConnectionCable
    HasDrain boolean O.ConnectionDrain
    HasElectronic boolean O.ConnectionElec
    HasGas boolean O.ConnectionGas
    HasPhone boolean O.ConnectionPhone
    HasWater boolean O.ConnectionWater
    Heritages Collection of Heritage
    HighWayDistance integer O.HighWayDistance
    HighWayDistanceComment string O.HighWayDistanceComment
    HouseNumber string Pr.vchHouseNumber
    HtmlDescription string PrTr.txtLongDescription
    ID integer Pr.intID
    LargeEnvPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    LargeEvolutions Collection of string [[EVOPUBLICPICTURES]]
    LargeEvoPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    LargePicture string [[FIRSTPUBLICPICTURE]]
    LargePictureItem PropertyPicture
    LargePictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    LargePictures Collection of string [[PUBLICPICTURES]]
    MainGeographicID integer PG.ID
    MainGeographicName string [[MAINGEOGRAPHICNAME]]
    MainTypeID string [[MAINTYPEID]]
    MainTypeName string [[MAINTYPENAME]]
    ManagerBIV string U.IPI
    ManagerDirectPhone string U.DirectPhone
    ManagerEmail string U.Email
    ManagerMobilePhone string U.MobilePhone
    ManagerName string U.Name
    ManagerPhoto string [[ManagerPhoto]]
    Marquee integer WO.Marquee
    MarqueeName string ML.Desc[[LANG]]
    MarqueeShowOrder integer ML.ShowOrder
    MediumEnvPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    MediumEvoPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    MediumPictureItem PropertyPicture
    MediumPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    MetroDistance integer O.MetroDistance
    MetroDistanceComment string O.MetroDistanceComment
    ModifiedDate string Pr.ModifiedDate
    Name string PrTr.Name
    Neighbourhood string
    NumberOfActiveProperties integer MINMAX.NumberOfActiveProperties
    NumberOfBathRoomsMax integer MINMAX.NumberOfBathRoomsMax
    NumberOfBathRoomsMin integer MINMAX.NumberOfBathRoomsMin
    NumberOfBedRoomsMax integer MINMAX.NumberOfBedRoomsMax
    NumberOfBedRoomsMin integer MINMAX.NumberOfBedRoomsMin
    NumberOfExternalParkingsMax integer MINMAX.NumberOfExternalParkingsMax
    NumberOfExternalParkingsMin integer MINMAX.NumberOfExternalParkingsMin
    NumberOfGaragesMax integer MINMAX.NumberOfGaragesMax
    NumberOfGaragesMin integer MINMAX.NumberOfGaragesMin
    NumberOfParkingsMax integer MINMAX.NumberOfParkingsMax
    NumberOfParkingsMin integer MINMAX.NumberOfParkingsMin
    NumberOfProperties integer MINMAX.NumberOfProperties
    ObjectID integer O.ID
    OfficeID integer Pr.OfficeID
    PercentageSold integer Pr.intPercentageSold
    PhoneType string O.ConnectionPhoneT
    PictureGroups Collection of PictureGroup
    PriceMax decimal number MINMAX.PriceMax
    PriceMin decimal number MINMAX.PriceMin
    ProjectFeatures Collection of ProjectFeature
    ProjectWebID integer WO.MainWebId
    ProjectWebName string W.Desc[[LANG]]
    PublicAddress boolean Pr.PublicAddress
    PublishInternet boolean [[PUBLISHINTERNET]]
    Quiet integer O.Quiet
    QuietName string O.QuietT
    Reference string Pr.vchName
    School integer O.School
    SchoolDistance integer O.SchoolDistance
    SchoolDistanceComment string O.SchoolDistanceComment
    SchoolName string O.SchoolT
    ShortDescription string PrTr.ShortDescription
    ShowOrder integer Pr.[Order]
    SiteId integer Pr.SiteID
    Situation string PrTr.txtSituation
    SituationPictures Collection of string
    Slogan string PrTr.vchSlogan
    SmallEnvPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    SmallEvolutions Collection of string [[EVOPUBLICPICTURES]]
    SmallEvoPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    SmallPicture string [[FIRSTPUBLICPICTURE]]
    SmallPictureItem PropertyPicture
    SmallPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    SmallPictures Collection of string [[PUBLICPICTURES]]
    StationDistance integer O.StationDistance
    StationDistanceComment string O.StationDistanceComment
    Status integer Pr.intStatus
    StatusName string PrStTr.vchDescription
    StoresDistance integer O.StoresDistance
    StoresDistanceComment string O.StoresDistanceComment
    Street string [[STREET]]
    SubStatusDate string O.SubStatusDate
    SubstatusID integer O.Substatus
    SubstatusName string S.Name[[LANG]]
    SurfaceGround2Max decimal number MINMAX.SurfaceGround2Max
    SurfaceGround2Min decimal number MINMAX.SurfaceGround2Min
    SurfaceTotalMax decimal number MINMAX.SurfaceTotalMax
    SurfaceTotalMin decimal number MINMAX.SurfaceTotalMin
    Tags Collection of Tag [[TAGS]]
    TechnicalDescription string PrTr.txtTechnicalDescription
    Trace integer O.Trace
    TraceName string O.TraceT
    TramDistance integer O.TramDistance
    TramDistanceComment string O.TramDistanceComment
    Usage string Pr.Usage
    VirtualTour string
    VirtualTour2 string
    WaterType string O.ConnectionWaterT
    WebID string [[WEBID]]
    WebIDItems Collection of ProjectWebIDItem [[WEBIDITEMS]]
    WebIDName string [[WEBIDNAME]]
    XLargeEnvPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    XLargeEvoPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    XLargePictureItem PropertyPicture
    XLargePictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    Zip string Pr.vchPostcode

ProjectPicture (Object)

Property (Object)

  • This class is used for the following api(s):
    - GetPropertiesByIDsJson
    - GetPropertiesByIDsXml
    - GetPropertyJson
    - GetPropertyListJson
    - GetPropertyListXml
    - GetPropertyXml
  • List of properties:
    The field name in the API Data Type Db field
    AdditionalCharges decimal number
    AdditionalChargesVatInc decimal number
    AgreementDate string O.AgreementDate
    AirportDistance integer O.AirportDistance
    AirportDistanceComment string O.AirportDistanceComment
    AllotmentpermetRenewable boolean O.AllotmentpermetRenewable
    Allotmentpermit integer O.HasAllotmentpermit
    AllotmentpermitDate string O.HasAllotmentpermitdate
    AllotmentpermitEnd string O.Hasallotmentpermitend
    AllotmentpermitText string [[ALLOTMENTPERMITTEXT]]
    AppointmentObjects Collection of AppointmentObject
    AreaApplicationID integer O.AreaApplicationID
    AreaApplicationName string AA.Desc[[LANG]]
    AsbestosDate string
    AsbestosType integer
    AsbestosTypeText string
    AsBuilt integer O.AsBuilt
    AsBuiltText string [[ASBUILTTEXT]]
    AttorneyFees decimal number
    AttorneyFees2 decimal number
    AvailableComment string O.AvailableComment
    BaseActCost decimal number O.BaseActCost
    Bouquet integer O.Bouquet
    BoxNr string
    BuildingID integer O.BuildingID
    BusDistance integer O.BusDistance
    BusDistanceComment string O.BusDistanceComment
    CableType string O.ConnectionCableT
    CadastralDivision string O.CadDivision
    CadastralEntite string O.CadEntite
    CadastrallIncomeIndexed decimal number O.KIIndex
    CadastrallIncomeNonIndexed decimal number O.KINonIndex
    CadastralNumero string O.CadNumero
    CadastralSection string O.CadSection
    CadastralSurface string O.CadSup
    CertificateElectricity string O.CertificateElectricity
    CertificateElectricityName string [[CERTIFICATEELECTRICITYNAME]]
    CertificateGasoline string O.CertificateGasoline
    CertificateGasolineName string
    ChargesComment string (CASE O.Doel WHEN 0 THEN O.chargesOwnerT WHEN 1 THEN Charges ELSE NULL END)
    ChargesNames Collection of ChargeItem
    ChargesOwner decimal number O.ChargesOwner
    ChargesRenter decimal number O.ChargesRenter
    City string [[CITY]]
    CO2Emission decimal number O.CO2Emission
    Color string S.Color
    Comment string O.Comment
    CommissionMode integer O.CommissionMode
    CommPercent decimal number O.CommPercent
    CompanyCity string
    CompanyEmail string
    CompanyHouseNumber string
    CompanyLogo string
    CompanyPhoneNumber string
    CompanyStreet string
    CompanyWebsite string
    CompanyZip string
    Composition string
    ConditionID integer CD.ID
    ConditionName string CD.Desc[[LANG]]
    ConditionT string O.ConditionT
    Connections integer O.Connections
    ConnectionsName string O.ConnectionsT
    ConstructionCost decimal number
    ConstructionName string CO.Desc[[LANG]]
    ConstructionT string O.ConstructionT
    ConstructionType integer O.ConstructionType
    ConstructionTypeText string
    ConstructionYear integer O.Bouwjaar
    ContractEnd datetime O.ContractEnd
    ContractRegisterDivision string O.CadDivision
    ContractRegisterNumero string O.CadNumero
    ContractRegisterSection string O.CadSection
    ContractStart datetime O.ContractStart
    Costs Collection of Cost
    CountryAbbr string CT.Abbr
    CountryID integer O.CountryID
    CountryName string CT.Desc[[LANG]]
    CreatedDate string O.OBJDateCreated
    DateFree string O.DateFree
    DepositAmount decimal number O.DepositAmount
    DepositBank string O.DepositBank
    DepositNumber string O.DepositNumber
    DepositType integer O.DepositType
    DescriptionA string D.DescriptionA
    DescriptionB string D.DescriptionB
    DescriptionC string D.DescriptionC
    DescriptionD string D.DescriptionD
    DescriptionE string D.DescriptionE
    DescriptionE2 string
    DescriptionF string D.DescriptionF
    DescriptionG string D.DescriptionG
    DescriptionH string D.DescriptionH
    DescriptionI string D.DescriptionI
    DescriptionJ string D.DescriptionJ
    DisableEPC boolean
    District string O.District
    Divisions Collection of Division
    DocumentItems Collection of Document ''
    Documents Collection of string NULL
    DrainType string O.ConnectionDrainT
    ElectricityDate datetime MgnrObjects.ElectricityDate
    ElectricityDoubleMeterDayValue decimal number ObjUtil.ElectricityDoubleMeterDayValue
    ElectricityDoubleMeterNightValue decimal number ObjUtil.ElectricityDoubleMeterNightValue
    ElectricityDoubleMeterNumber string ObjUtil.ElectricityDoubleMeterNumber
    ElectricityEAN string ObjUtil.ElectricityEAN
    ElectricityExpert string MgnrObjects.ElectricityExpert
    ElectricityExpiredDate datetime MgnrObjects.ElectricityExpiredDate
    ElectricityNightOnlyMeterNumber string ObjUtil.ElectricityNightOnlyMeterNumber
    ElectricityNightOnlyMeterValue decimal number ObjUtil.ElectricityNightOnlyMeterValue
    ElectricitySimpleMeterNumber string ObjUtil.ElectricitySimpleMeterNumber
    ElectricitySimpleMeterValue decimal number ObjUtil.ElectricitySimpleMeterValue
    ElectricityUniqueCode string MgnrObjects.ElectricityUniqueCode
    ElectronicType string O.ConnectionElecT
    Elevel integer O.Elevel
    EnergyCertificateEndDate string O.EnergyCertificateEndDate
    EnergyPerformance decimal number O.EnergyPerformance
    EnviromentID integer WO.MainEnviromentId
    EnviromentName string E.Desc[[LANG]]
    EnviromentNames Collection of string [[ENVIROMENTNAMES]]
    EPCCO2Label integer
    EPCCO2LabelText string [[EPCCO2LABELTEXT]]
    EPCDate datetime MgnrObjects.EPCDate
    EPCDisableInsulation boolean
    EPCExpert string MgnrObjects.EPCExpert
    EPCExtra string O.EPCExtra
    EPCInsulationLabel integer
    EPCInsulationLabelText string [[EPCINSULATIONLABELTEXT]]
    EPCInsulationValue decimal number
    EPCLabel integer
    EPCLabelText string [[EPCLABELTEXT]]
    EPCTotal integer
    EpcType integer dbo.fnGetEpcType(O.EpcType, O.DisableEPC)
    EpcTypeText string [[EPCTYPETEXT]]
    EpcUnit string [[EPCUNIT]]
    EstimateValue decimal number O.ValueEst
    ExteriorID integer WO.MainExteriorId
    ExteriorItems Collection of PropMultItem
    ExteriorName string EC.Desc[[LANG]]
    ExteriorNames Collection of string [[EXTERIORNAMES]]
    ExternalID string
    FBFloors decimal number
    FBInteriorDoors decimal number
    FBKitchen decimal number
    FBSanitary decimal number
    FBSkirtingBoards decimal number
    FBWallTiles decimal number
    FinalActDate string O.FinalActDate
    FloodRiscAreaId integer O.FloodRiscArea
    FloodRiscAreaText string
    FloodriskName string
    FloodZoneGScore integer
    FloodZoneGScoreIconUrl string
    FloodZoneGScoreText string
    FloodzoneName string
    FloodZonePScore integer
    FloodZonePScoreIconUrl string
    FloodZonePScoreText string
    Floor integer O.Verdieping
    Floorplan integer O.Floorplan
    FloorplannerID string O.FloorplannerID
    FreeWhenSold integer O.FreeWhenSold
    FreeWhenSoldName string F.Desc[[LANG]]
    FrontWidth decimal number O.GevelBreedte
    GaragePossible boolean O.GaragePoss
    GaragePrice decimal number O.GaragePrice
    GardenOrientation integer
    GardenOrientationName string
    GasEAN string ObjUtil.GasEAN
    GasMeterNumber string ObjUtil.GasMeterNumber
    GasMeterValue decimal number ObjUtil.GasMeterValue
    GasolineDate datetime MgnrObjects.GasolineDate
    GasolineExpert string MgnrObjects.GasolineExpert
    GasolineExpiredDate datetime MgnrObjects.GasolineExpiredDate
    GasolineUniqueCode string MgnrObjects.GasolineUniqueCode
    GasType string O.ConnectionGasT
    GeneralConclusion string PEO.GeneralConclusion
    GeographicID integer WO.MainGeographicId
    GeographicNames Collection of string [[GEOGRAPHICNAMES]]
    GetterBIV string UGetter.IPI
    GetterDirectPhone string UGetter.DirectPhone
    GetterEmail string UGetter.Email
    GetterID integer UGetter.UserID
    GetterMobilePhone string UGetter.MobilePhone
    GetterName string UGetter.Name
    GetterPhoto string [[GetterPhoto]]
    Goal integer O.Doel
    GoalNames Collection of string [[GOALNAMES]]
    GooglePOVHeading decimal number
    GooglePOVPitch decimal number
    GoogleStreetShow boolean
    GoogleStreetZoom integer
    GoogleX string O.GoogleX
    GoogleY string O.GoogleY
    GroundCertificate integer O.GroundCertificate
    GroundCertificateCodeA string O.GroundCertificateCodeA
    GroundCertificateCodeB string O.GroundCertificateCodeB
    GroundCertificateDate string O.GroundCertificateDate
    GroundCertificateDecision string O.GroundCertificateDecision[[LANG]]
    GroundCertificateName string GroundCertificate.Desc[[LANG]]
    GroundPart decimal number O.GroundPart
    HasAnnex boolean
    HasAtrium boolean O.InnerPlace
    HasAttic boolean O.Attic
    HasCable boolean O.ConnectionCable
    HasCellar boolean O.Kelder
    HasDrain boolean O.ConnectionDrain
    HasElectronic boolean O.ConnectionElec
    HasFurnished boolean O.Furbished
    HasGarden boolean O.Garden
    HasGas boolean O.ConnectionGas
    HasLift boolean O.Lift
    HasPhone boolean O.ConnectionPhone
    HasTerrace boolean O.Terras
    HasWater boolean O.ConnectionWater
    Heating integer O.TypeVerwarming
    HeatingB integer O.TypeVerwarmingB
    HeatingBName string
    HeatingComments string O.HeatingT
    HeatingName string HT.Desc[[LANG]]
    Heritages Collection of Heritage
    HighWayDistance integer O.HighWayDistance
    HighWayDistanceComment string O.HighWayDistanceComment
    Hoofd1 string O.Hoofd1
    Hoofd2 string O.Hoofd2
    HoofdType1 integer O.HoofdType1
    HoofdType2 integer O.HoofdType2
    HouseNumber string O.Huisnummer
    HtmlDescriptionE string D.HtmlDescriptionE
    HtmlDescriptionF string D.HtmlDescriptionF
    ID integer O.ID
    Ident string O.Ident
    IncomeAnnual decimal number
    IncomeMonth decimal number O.CurrentPercent
    IncomeYield decimal number
    IndexedRent integer O.RenteIndexee
    InInvoiceOwner boolean
    InteriorID integer WO.MainInteriorId
    InteriorItems Collection of PropMultItem
    InteriorName string IC.Desc[[LANG]]
    InteriorNames Collection of string [[INTERIORNAMES]]
    InvoicedAmount decimal number
    InvoicedAmoutVatInc decimal number
    InvoiceDate datetime
    InvoiceNr string
    InvoiceRenterDate datetime
    InvoiceRenterNr string
    IsFloodriskIcon boolean
    IsOffice boolean O.Bureau
    IsPublishUnit boolean
    IsSelectedByPersonId boolean
    IsVAT boolean O.IsVAT
    JudicialDecision integer O.HasJudicialDecision
    JudicialDecisionDescription string O.JudicialDecision
    JudicialDecisionText string [[JUDICIALDECISIONTEXT]]
    Kitchen integer O.InrKeuken
    KitchenComments string O.KitchenT
    KitchenName string
    LargePicture string [[FIRSTPUBLICPICTURE]]
    LargePictureItem PropertyPicture
    LargePictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    LargePictures Collection of string [[PUBLICPICTURES]]
    LastChange integer O.LaatsteWijziging
    LastChangedDate string [[LASTCHANGEDDATE]]
    LastChangedPriceDate string
    MainGeographicID integer PG.ID
    MainGeographicName string [[MAINGEOGRAPHICNAME]]
    MainStyleID integer PS.ID
    MainStyleName string PS.Desc[[LANG]]
    MainTypeID integer PT.ID
    MainTypeName string [[MAINTYPENAME]]
    ManagerBIV string U.IPI
    ManagerDirectPhone string U.DirectPhone
    ManagerEmail string U.Email
    ManagerID integer U.UserID
    ManagerMobilePhone string U.MobilePhone
    ManagerName string U.Name
    ManagerPhoto string [[ManagerPhoto]]
    Marquee integer WO.Marquee
    MarqueeName string ML.Desc[[LANG]]
    MarqueeShowOrder integer ML.ShowOrder
    MaxDuration string O.MaximaleDuur[[LANG]]
    MaxNrPersons integer O.MaxNrPersons
    MediumPictureItem PropertyPicture
    MediumPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    MetroDistance integer O.MetroDistance
    MetroDistanceComment string O.MetroDistanceComment
    MgnrTransferDate datetime MgnrObjects.MgnrTransferDate
    MinimumRevenue decimal number O.MinimumRevenue
    ModifiedSubstatusDate string O.ModifiedSubstatusDate
    MonthlyRent integer O.MaandelijkseLijfrente
    NegativeFactor string PEO.NegativeFactor
    NegativeForfaitComment string PEO.NegativeForfaitComment
    NegativeForfaitNumber integer PEO.NegativeForfaitNumber
    NegativeForfaitPrice decimal number PEO.NegativeForfaitPrice
    NeighbourhoodID integer O.NeighbourhoodID
    NewElectricitySupplier string ObjUtil.NewElectricitySupplier
    NewGasSupplier string ObjUtil.NewGasSupplier
    NewWaterSupplier string ObjUtil.NewWaterSupplier
    NotaryFee decimal number
    NotaryFee2 decimal number
    NotaryFeeVAT decimal number
    NotaryFeeVAT2 decimal number
    NrUnits decimal number O.PubBudget
    NumberOfBathRooms integer O.NrBadkamers
    NumberOfBedRooms integer O.NrSlaapKamers
    NumberOfExternalParkings integer O.NrParkingsExt
    NumberOfFloors integer O.AantalVerdiep
    NumberOfGarages integer O.NrWagens
    NumberOfHeads integer
    NumberOfParkings integer O.NrParkings
    NumberOfShowerRooms integer O.NrShowerRooms
    NumberOfToilets integer O.NrToilets
    OfficeID integer O.OfficeID
    OfficeName string Offi.OfficeName
    OilCertificateOfInspectionId integer O.OilCertificateOfInspection
    OilCertificateOfInspectionText string [[OILCERTIFICATEOFINSPECTIONTEXT]]
    OilContent string O.OilContent
    OilFurtherExploitationId integer O.OilFurtherExploitation
    OilFurtherExploitationText string [[OILFURTHEREXPLOITATIONTEXT]]
    OilPlacementId integer O.OilPlacement
    OilPlacementText string [[OILPLACEMENTTEXT]]
    OrientationT string O.OrientationT
    OthersComment string PEO.OthersComment
    OthersNumber integer PEO.OthersNumber
    OthersPrice decimal number PEO.OthersPrice
    Overlevingsrente integer O.Overlevingsrente
    OwnerTotalCost decimal number
    OwnerTotalCostVatInc decimal number
    OZAAMID string
    ParkingExternalPossible boolean O.ParkingExtPoss
    ParkingExternalPrice decimal number O.ParkingExtPrice
    ParkingPossible boolean O.ParkingIntPoss
    ParkingPrice decimal number O.ParkingIntPrice
    Permit integer O.HasPermit
    PermitDate string O.HasPermitDate
    PermitEnd string O.HasPermitEnd
    PermitRenewable boolean O.PermitRenewable
    PermitText string [[PERMITTEXT]]
    PetsAllowed integer
    PetsAllowedText string
    PhoneType string O.ConnectionPhoneT
    PictureGroups Collection of PictureGroup
    PlotDepth integer O.Depth
    PlotWidth decimal number O.BreedteGrond
    PointOfInterests Collection of PropertyPointOfInterest
    PortalLinkIds PortalLinkIds
    PositiveFactor string PEO.PositiveFactor
    PositiveForfaitComment string PEO.PositiveForfaitComment
    PositiveForfaitNumber integer PEO.PositiveForfaitNumber
    PositiveForfaitPrice decimal number PEO.PositiveForfaitPrice
    PotentialIncomeAnnual decimal number
    PotentialIncomeMonth decimal number O.PossiblePercent
    PotentialIncomeYield decimal number
    PotentialYield decimal number O.PotentialYield
    PreemptiveRights integer O.HasPreemptiveRights
    PreemptiveRightsText string [[PREEMPTIVERIGHTSTEXT]]
    Prepay integer O.Prepay
    PrePayComm decimal number
    PrePayCommVatInc decimal number
    PrePayTypeID integer o.PrePayTypeId
    PrePayTypeText string [[PREPAYTYPETEXT]]
    PreviousElectricitySupplier string ObjUtil.PreviousElectricitySupplier
    PreviousGasSupplier string ObjUtil.PreviousGasSupplier
    PreviousWaterSupplier string ObjUtil.PreviousWaterSupplier
    Price decimal number O.Prijs
    PriceUnit integer O.PriceUnit
    PriceUnitText string PriceUnits.Desc[[LANG]]
    ProjectID integer B.intProjectID
    PromiseToBuy string (CASE WHEN o.Doel = 1 THEN NULL ELSE O.PromiseToBuy END)
    PromiseToRent string (CASE WHEN o.Doel = 1 THEN O.PromiseToRent ELSE NULL END)
    PropertyCategoryType integer WO.PropertyCategoryType
    PublishAddress boolean dbo.ProcessPublishPriceOrAddressMode(O.PublishAddress, @PublishAddressMode)
    PublishPrice boolean dbo.ProcessPublishPriceOrAddressMode(O.PublishPrice, @PublishPriceMode)
    Quiet integer O.Quiet
    QuietName string O.QuietT
    RealActDate string O.RealActDate
    RealCommission decimal number
    RealCommissionVatInc decimal number
    RealEstateTax decimal number O.PI
    Rear string RO.Desc[[LANG]]
    RecordFile string O.RecordFile
    RegisteredRight decimal number
    RegisteredRight2 decimal number
    RegistrationScript string
    RegistrationScript2 string
    RegistrationType string O.RegistrationType
    RegistrationType2 string O.RegistrationType2
    RegistrationType2Id integer
    RegistrationTypeId integer
    RenterInventory decimal number O.RenterInventory
    RenterTotalCost decimal number
    RenterTotalCostVatInc decimal number
    RentToCompany string
    Residence string O.Address2
    RiverbankzoneName string
    Roof string
    RoofCondition string
    RoofMaterial string
    RoofT string O.RoofT
    RoomsExt integer O.RoomsExt
    SalePrice integer O.SalePrice
    SalesOpportunity decimal number O.SalesOpportunity
    School integer O.School
    SchoolDistance integer O.SchoolDistance
    SchoolDistanceComment string O.SchoolDistanceComment
    SchoolName string O.SchoolT
    Servitudes string O.Servitudes
    SignerBIV string USigner.IPI
    SignerDirectPhone string USigner.DirectPhone
    SignerEmail string USigner.Email
    SignerID integer USigner.UserID
    SignerMobilePhone string USigner.MobilePhone
    SignerName string USigner.Name
    SignerPhoto string [[SignerPhoto]]
    Site PropertySite
    SiteID integer O.SiteID
    SituationPictures Collection of string
    SLevel integer O.SLevel
    SmallPicture string [[FIRSTPUBLICPICTURE]]
    SmallPictureItem PropertyPicture
    SmallPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    SmallPictures Collection of string [[PUBLICPICTURES]]
    SmokeDetector decimal number
    SmokingAllowed integer
    SmokingAllowedText string
    SourceContact string LUP.Desc[[LANG]]
    StartCommercialisation string
    StartPrice integer O.StartPrice
    StationDistance integer O.StationDistance
    StationDistanceComment string O.StationDistanceComment
    Status integer O.Status
    StatusChangeComment string O.StatusChangeComment
    StoresDistance integer O.StoresDistance
    StoresDistanceComment string O.StoresDistanceComment
    Street string [[STREET]]
    StyleNames Collection of string [[STYLENAMES]]
    SubStatus integer O.SubStatus
    SubstatusDate string O.SubstatusDate
    SubStatusName string S.Name[[LANG]]
    Summons integer O.HasSummons
    SummonsText string [[SUMMONSTEXT]]
    SurfaceConstructed decimal number O.OppBebouwd
    SurfaceGarden decimal number O.OppTuin
    SurfaceGround integer O.SurfGround
    SurfaceGround2 decimal number O.SurfGround2
    SurfaceLiving decimal number O.OppLiving
    SurfaceOffice integer O.SurfBureau
    SurfaceStore integer O.SurfStore
    SurfaceTerrace decimal number O.OppTerras
    SurfaceTotal decimal number O.OppTotaal
    Tags Collection of Tag [[TAGS]]
    TerraceOrientation integer
    TerraceOrientationName string
    TotalCost decimal number
    TotalCost2 decimal number
    TotalInvoiceRenter decimal number
    TotalInvoiceRenterVatInc decimal number
    TotalPrice decimal number
    TotalPrice2 decimal number
    Trace integer O.Trace
    TraceName string O.TraceT
    TramDistance integer O.TramDistance
    TramDistanceComment string O.TramDistanceComment
    TypeDescription string O.TypeDescription[[DESC_LANG]]
    TypeOfContract integer TOC.ID
    TypeOfContractName string TOC.Desc[[LANG]]
    TypeOfContractNames Collection of string [[TYPEOFCONTRACTNAMES]]
    TypeOfMandateID integer O.ContractType
    TypeOfMandateName string TOM.Desc[[LANG]]
    UniqueCode string O.UniqueCode
    UnitOrder integer O.UnitOrder
    UrbanInfoCommune string MgnrObjects.UrbanInfoCommune
    UrbanInfoDate string MgnrObjects.UrbanInfoDate
    UrbanInfoNumber string MgnrObjects.UrbanInfoNumber
    VariousCosts decimal number O.VariousCosts
    VATBuilding decimal number
    VatValue decimal number
    Viager boolean O.Viager
    ViagerType integer O.ViagerType
    ViagerTypeText string [[VIAGERTYPETEXT]]
    VirtualTour string O.VirtualTour
    VirtualTour2 string
    VisitingHours string O.VisitingHours
    Volume integer
    WaterCustomerId string ObjUtil.WaterCustomerId
    WaterMeterNumber string ObjUtil.WaterMeterNumber
    WaterMeterValue decimal number ObjUtil.WaterMeterValue
    WaterType string O.ConnectionWaterT
    WebID integer WO.MainWebId
    WebIDName string W.Desc[[LANG]]
    WebIDs string [[WEBIDS]]
    WindowComments string O.WindowComments
    WindowFrame string
    WindowGlazing string
    XLargePictureItem PropertyPicture
    XLargePictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    Zip string O.CityPostCode

Property2 (Object)

  • This class is used for the following api(s):
    - GetProperty2Json
  • List of properties:
    The field name in the API Data Type Db field
    AdditionalCharges decimal number
    AdditionalChargesVatInc decimal number
    AgreementDate string
    AirportDistance integer
    AirportDistanceComment string
    AllotmentpermetRenewable boolean
    Allotmentpermit integer
    AllotmentpermitDate string
    AllotmentpermitEnd string
    AllotmentpermitText string
    AppointmentObjects Collection of AppointmentObject
    AreaApplicationID integer
    AreaApplicationName string
    AsbestosDate string
    AsbestosType integer
    AsbestosTypeText string
    AsBuilt integer
    AsBuiltText string
    AttorneyFees decimal number
    AttorneyFees2 decimal number
    AvailableComment string
    BaseActCost decimal number
    Bouquet integer
    BoxNr string
    BuildingID integer
    BusDistance integer
    BusDistanceComment string
    CableType string
    CadastralDivision string
    CadastralEntite string
    CadastrallIncomeIndexed decimal number
    CadastrallIncomeNonIndexed decimal number
    CadastralNumero string
    CadastralSection string
    CadastralSurface string
    CertificateElectricity string
    CertificateElectricityName string
    CertificateGasoline string
    CertificateGasolineName string
    ChargesComment string
    ChargesNames Collection of ChargeItem
    ChargesOwner decimal number
    ChargesRenter decimal number
    City string
    CO2Emission decimal number
    Color string
    Comment string
    CommissionMode integer
    CommPercent decimal number
    CompanyCity string
    CompanyEmail string
    CompanyHouseNumber string
    CompanyLogo string
    CompanyPhoneNumber string
    CompanyStreet string
    CompanyWebsite string
    CompanyZip string
    Composition string
    ConditionID integer
    ConditionName string
    ConditionT string
    Connections integer
    ConnectionsName string
    ConstructionCost decimal number
    ConstructionName string
    ConstructionT string
    ConstructionType integer
    ConstructionTypeText string
    ConstructionYear integer
    ContractEnd datetime
    ContractRegisterDivision string
    ContractRegisterNumero string
    ContractRegisterSection string
    ContractStart datetime
    Costs Collection of Cost
    CountryAbbr string
    CountryID integer
    CountryName string
    CreatedDate string
    DateFree string
    DepositAmount decimal number
    DepositBank string
    DepositNumber string
    DepositType integer
    DescriptionA string
    DescriptionB string
    DescriptionC string
    DescriptionD string
    DescriptionE string
    DescriptionE2 string
    DescriptionF string
    DescriptionG string
    DescriptionH string
    DescriptionI string
    DescriptionJ string
    DisableEPC boolean
    District string
    Divisions Collection of Division
    DocumentItems Collection of Document
    Documents Collection of string
    DrainType string
    ElectricityDate datetime
    ElectricityDoubleMeterDayValue decimal number
    ElectricityDoubleMeterNightValue decimal number
    ElectricityDoubleMeterNumber string
    ElectricityEAN string
    ElectricityExpert string
    ElectricityExpiredDate datetime
    ElectricityNightOnlyMeterNumber string
    ElectricityNightOnlyMeterValue decimal number
    ElectricitySimpleMeterNumber string
    ElectricitySimpleMeterValue decimal number
    ElectricityUniqueCode string
    ElectronicType string
    Elevel integer
    EnergyCertificateEndDate string
    EnergyPerformance decimal number
    EnviromentID integer
    EnviromentName string
    EnviromentNames Collection of string
    EPCCO2Label integer
    EPCCO2LabelText string
    EPCDate datetime
    EPCDisableInsulation boolean
    EPCExpert string
    EPCExtra string
    EPCInsulationLabel integer
    EPCInsulationLabelText string
    EPCInsulationValue decimal number
    EPCLabel integer
    EPCLabelText string
    EPCTotal integer
    EpcType integer
    EpcTypeText string
    EpcUnit string
    EstimateValue decimal number
    ExteriorID integer
    ExteriorItems Collection of PropMultItem
    ExteriorName string
    ExteriorNames Collection of string
    ExternalID string
    FBFloors decimal number
    FBInteriorDoors decimal number
    FBKitchen decimal number
    FBSanitary decimal number
    FBSkirtingBoards decimal number
    FBWallTiles decimal number
    FinalActDate string
    FloodRiscAreaId integer
    FloodRiscAreaText string
    FloodriskName string
    FloodZoneGScore integer
    FloodZoneGScoreIconUrl string
    FloodZoneGScoreText string
    FloodzoneName string
    FloodZonePScore integer
    FloodZonePScoreIconUrl string
    FloodZonePScoreText string
    Floor integer
    Floorplan integer
    FloorplannerID string
    FreeWhenSold integer
    FreeWhenSoldName string
    FrontWidth decimal number
    GaragePossible boolean
    GaragePrice decimal number
    GardenOrientation integer
    GardenOrientationName string
    GasEAN string
    GasMeterNumber string
    GasMeterValue decimal number
    GasolineDate datetime
    GasolineExpert string
    GasolineExpiredDate datetime
    GasolineUniqueCode string
    GasType string
    GeneralConclusion string
    GeographicID integer
    GeographicNames Collection of string
    GetterBIV string
    GetterDirectPhone string
    GetterEmail string
    GetterID integer
    GetterMobilePhone string
    GetterName string
    GetterPhoto string
    Goal integer
    GoalNames Collection of string
    GooglePOVHeading decimal number
    GooglePOVPitch decimal number
    GoogleStreetShow boolean
    GoogleStreetZoom integer
    GoogleX string
    GoogleY string
    GroundCertificate integer
    GroundCertificateCodeA string
    GroundCertificateCodeB string
    GroundCertificateDate string
    GroundCertificateDecision string
    GroundCertificateName string
    GroundPart decimal number
    HasAnnex boolean
    HasAtrium boolean
    HasAttic boolean
    HasCable boolean
    HasCellar boolean
    HasDrain boolean
    HasElectronic boolean
    HasFurnished boolean
    HasGarden boolean
    HasGas boolean
    HasLift boolean
    HasPhone boolean
    HasTerrace boolean
    HasWater boolean
    Heating integer
    HeatingB integer
    HeatingBName string
    HeatingComments string
    HeatingName string
    Heritages Collection of Heritage
    HighWayDistance integer
    HighWayDistanceComment string
    Hoofd1 string
    Hoofd2 string
    HoofdType1 integer
    HoofdType2 integer
    HouseNumber string
    HtmlDescriptionE string
    HtmlDescriptionF string
    ID integer
    Ident string
    IncomeAnnual decimal number
    IncomeMonth decimal number
    IncomeYield decimal number
    IndexedRent integer
    InInvoiceOwner boolean
    InteriorID integer
    InteriorItems Collection of PropMultItem
    InteriorName string
    InteriorNames Collection of string
    InvoicedAmount decimal number
    InvoicedAmoutVatInc decimal number
    InvoiceDate datetime
    InvoiceNr string
    InvoiceRenterDate datetime
    InvoiceRenterNr string
    IsFloodriskIcon boolean
    IsOffice boolean
    IsPublishUnit boolean
    IsSelectedByPersonId boolean
    IsVAT boolean
    JudicialDecision integer
    JudicialDecisionDescription string
    JudicialDecisionText string
    Kitchen integer
    KitchenComments string
    KitchenName string
    LargePicture string
    LargePictureItem PropertyPicture
    LargePictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    LargePictures Collection of string
    LastChange integer
    LastChangedDate string
    LastChangedPriceDate string
    MainGeographicID integer
    MainGeographicName string
    MainStyleID integer
    MainStyleName string
    MainTypeID integer
    MainTypeName string
    ManagerBIV string
    ManagerDirectPhone string
    ManagerEmail string
    ManagerID integer
    ManagerMobilePhone string
    ManagerName string
    ManagerPhoto string
    Marquee integer
    MarqueeName string
    MarqueeShowOrder integer
    MaxDuration string
    MaxNrPersons integer
    MediumPictureItem PropertyPicture
    MediumPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    MetroDistance integer
    MetroDistanceComment string
    MgnrTransferDate datetime
    MinimumRevenue decimal number
    ModifiedSubstatusDate string
    MonthlyRent integer
    NegativeFactor string
    NegativeForfaitComment string
    NegativeForfaitNumber integer
    NegativeForfaitPrice decimal number
    NeighbourhoodID integer
    NewElectricitySupplier string
    NewGasSupplier string
    NewWaterSupplier string
    NotaryFee decimal number
    NotaryFee2 decimal number
    NotaryFeeVAT decimal number
    NotaryFeeVAT2 decimal number
    NrUnits decimal number
    NumberOfBathRooms integer
    NumberOfBedRooms integer
    NumberOfExternalParkings integer
    NumberOfFloors integer
    NumberOfGarages integer
    NumberOfHeads integer
    NumberOfParkings integer
    NumberOfShowerRooms integer
    NumberOfToilets integer
    OfficeID integer
    OfficeName string
    OilCertificateOfInspectionId integer
    OilCertificateOfInspectionText string
    OilContent string
    OilFurtherExploitationId integer
    OilFurtherExploitationText string
    OilPlacementId integer
    OilPlacementText string
    OrientationT string
    OthersComment string
    OthersNumber integer
    OthersPrice decimal number
    Overlevingsrente integer
    OwnerTotalCost decimal number
    OwnerTotalCostVatInc decimal number
    OZAAMID string
    ParkingExternalPossible boolean
    ParkingExternalPrice decimal number
    ParkingPossible boolean
    ParkingPrice decimal number
    Permit integer
    PermitDate string
    PermitEnd string
    PermitRenewable boolean
    PermitText string
    PetsAllowed integer
    PetsAllowedText string
    PhoneType string
    PictureGroups Collection of PictureGroup
    PlotDepth integer
    PlotWidth decimal number
    PointOfInterests Collection of PropertyPointOfInterest
    PortalLinkIds PortalLinkIds
    PositiveFactor string
    PositiveForfaitComment string
    PositiveForfaitNumber integer
    PositiveForfaitPrice decimal number
    PotentialIncomeAnnual decimal number
    PotentialIncomeMonth decimal number
    PotentialIncomeYield decimal number
    PotentialYield decimal number
    PreemptiveRights integer
    PreemptiveRightsText string
    Prepay integer
    PrePayComm decimal number
    PrePayCommVatInc decimal number
    PrePayTypeID integer
    PrePayTypeText string
    PreviousElectricitySupplier string
    PreviousGasSupplier string
    PreviousWaterSupplier string
    Price decimal number
    PriceUnit integer
    PriceUnitText string
    ProjectID integer
    PromiseToBuy string
    PromiseToRent string
    PropertyCategoryType integer
    PublishAddress boolean
    PublishPrice boolean
    Quiet integer
    QuietName string
    RealActDate string
    RealCommission decimal number
    RealCommissionVatInc decimal number
    RealEstateTax decimal number
    Rear string
    RecordFile string
    RegisteredRight decimal number
    RegisteredRight2 decimal number
    RegistrationScript string
    RegistrationScript2 string
    RegistrationType string
    RegistrationType2 string
    RegistrationType2Id integer
    RegistrationTypeId integer
    RenterInventory decimal number
    RenterTotalCost decimal number
    RenterTotalCostVatInc decimal number
    RentToCompany string
    Residence string
    RiverbankzoneName string
    Roof string
    RoofCondition string
    RoofMaterial string
    RoofT string
    RoomsExt integer
    SalePrice integer
    SalesOpportunity decimal number
    SameProperties Collection of Property
    School integer
    SchoolDistance integer
    SchoolDistanceComment string
    SchoolName string
    Servitudes string
    SignerBIV string
    SignerDirectPhone string
    SignerEmail string
    SignerID integer
    SignerMobilePhone string
    SignerName string
    SignerPhoto string
    Site PropertySite
    SiteID integer
    SituationPictures Collection of string
    SLevel integer
    SmallPicture string
    SmallPictureItem PropertyPicture
    SmallPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    SmallPictures Collection of string
    SmokeDetector decimal number
    SmokingAllowed integer
    SmokingAllowedText string
    SourceContact string
    StartCommercialisation string
    StartPrice integer
    StationDistance integer
    StationDistanceComment string
    Status integer
    StatusChangeComment string
    StoresDistance integer
    StoresDistanceComment string
    Street string
    StyleNames Collection of string
    SubStatus integer
    SubstatusDate string
    SubStatusName string
    Summons integer
    SummonsText string
    SurfaceConstructed decimal number
    SurfaceGarden decimal number
    SurfaceGround integer
    SurfaceGround2 decimal number
    SurfaceLiving decimal number
    SurfaceOffice integer
    SurfaceStore integer
    SurfaceTerrace decimal number
    SurfaceTotal decimal number
    Tags Collection of Tag
    TerraceOrientation integer
    TerraceOrientationName string
    TotalCost decimal number
    TotalCost2 decimal number
    TotalInvoiceRenter decimal number
    TotalInvoiceRenterVatInc decimal number
    TotalPrice decimal number
    TotalPrice2 decimal number
    Trace integer
    TraceName string
    TramDistance integer
    TramDistanceComment string
    TypeDescription string
    TypeOfContract integer
    TypeOfContractName string
    TypeOfContractNames Collection of string
    TypeOfMandateID integer
    TypeOfMandateName string
    UniqueCode string
    UnitOrder integer
    UrbanInfoCommune string
    UrbanInfoDate string
    UrbanInfoNumber string
    VariousCosts decimal number
    VATBuilding decimal number
    VatValue decimal number
    Viager boolean
    ViagerType integer
    ViagerTypeText string
    VirtualTour string
    VirtualTour2 string
    VisitingHours string
    Volume integer
    WaterCustomerId string
    WaterMeterNumber string
    WaterMeterValue decimal number
    WaterType string
    WebID integer
    WebIDName string
    WebIDs string
    WindowComments string
    WindowFrame string
    WindowGlazing string
    XLargePictureItem PropertyPicture
    XLargePictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    Zip string

PropertyCity (Object)

PropertyWebId (Object)

RealEasteObject (Object)

RelatedObject (Object)

Site (Object)

Status (Object)

Substatus (Object)

SummaryMediaObjectStatisticsGraph (Object)

TypeOfProperty (Object)

User (Object)

VisitStatistic (Object)

Reference Classes

AgendaComment (Object)

AgendaPerson (Object)

AgendaProperty (Object)

AgendaUser (Object)

AppointmentOfStatistics (Object)

AppointmentOfStatisticsGraphDetail (Object)

Candidate (Object)

CandidateNoInterestReason (Object)

ChargeItem (Object)

Cost (Object)

CreateProperty (Object)

Division (Object)

HolidayAppartPeriod (Object)

HolidayCity (Object)

HolidayLigging (Object)

HolidayPeriodType (Object)

InternalBuilding (Object)

InternalBuildingTranslation (Object)

InternalChargeItem (Object)

InternalChargeItemTranslation (Object)

InternalDivision (Object)

InternalDivisionTranslation (Object)

InternalHeritage (Object)

InternalHeritageTranslation (Object)

InternalProject (Object)

  • List of properties:
  • The field name in the API Data Type Db field
    AirportDistance integer
    AirportDistanceComment string
    BusDistance integer
    BusDistanceComment string
    CableType string
    City string
    Connections integer
    ConnectionsName string
    DrainType string
    ElectronicType string
    EnviromentID integer
    ExternalID string
    ExternalWeb string
    FloodZoneGScore integer
    FloodZoneGScoreIconUrl string
    FloodZonePScore integer
    FloodZonePScoreIconUrl string
    GasType string
    GeographicID integer
    GoogleX string
    GoogleY string
    HasCable boolean
    HasDrain boolean
    HasElectronic boolean
    HasGas boolean
    HasPhone boolean
    HasWater boolean
    HighWayDistance integer
    HighWayDistanceComment string
    HouseNumber string
    ID integer
    MainGeographicID integer
    MainTypeID string
    ManagerBIV string
    ManagerDirectPhone string
    ManagerEmail string
    ManagerMobilePhone string
    ManagerName string
    ManagerPhoto string
    Marquee integer
    MarqueeShowOrder integer
    MetroDistance integer
    MetroDistanceComment string
    ModifiedDate string
    NumberOfActiveProperties integer
    NumberOfBathRoomsMax integer
    NumberOfBathRoomsMin integer
    NumberOfBedRoomsMax integer
    NumberOfBedRoomsMin integer
    NumberOfExternalParkingsMax integer
    NumberOfExternalParkingsMin integer
    NumberOfGaragesMax integer
    NumberOfGaragesMin integer
    NumberOfParkingsMax integer
    NumberOfParkingsMin integer
    NumberOfProperties integer
    ObjectID integer
    PercentageSold integer
    PhoneType string
    PlanNumber string
    PriceMax decimal number
    PriceMin decimal number
    ProjectWebID integer
    PublicAddress boolean
    PublishInternet boolean
    Quiet integer
    QuietName string
    School integer
    SchoolDistance integer
    SchoolDistanceComment string
    SchoolName string
    ShowOrder integer
    SiteId integer
    SituationPictures Collection of string
    StationDistance integer
    StationDistanceComment string
    Status integer
    StoresDistance integer
    StoresDistanceComment string
    Street string
    SubStatusDate string
    SubstatusID integer
    SurfaceGround2Max decimal number
    SurfaceGround2Min decimal number
    SurfaceTotalMax decimal number
    SurfaceTotalMin decimal number
    Trace integer
    TraceName string
    TramDistance integer
    TramDistanceComment string
    Usage string
    VirtualTour string
    VirtualTour2 string
    WaterType string
    WebID string
    Zip string

InternalProjectDocument (Object)

InternalProjectDocumentTranslation (Object)

InternalProjectFeature (Object)

InternalProjectFeatureTranslation (Object)

InternalProjectList (Object)

InternalProjectPicture (Object)

InternalProjectPictureGroup (Object)

InternalProjectPictureGroupTranslation (Object)

InternalProjectPictureTranslation (Object)

InternalProjectTranslation (Object)

InternalProperty (Object)

  • List of properties:
  • The field name in the API Data Type Db field
    AdditionalCharges decimal number
    AdditionalChargesVatInc decimal number
    AgreementDate string
    AirportDistance integer
    AirportDistanceComment string
    AllotmentpermetRenewable boolean
    Allotmentpermit integer
    AllotmentpermitDate string
    AllotmentpermitEnd string
    AreaApplicationID integer
    AsbestosDate string
    AsbestosType integer
    AsBuilt integer
    AttorneyFees decimal number
    AttorneyFees2 decimal number
    AvailableComment string
    BaseActCost decimal number
    Bouquet integer
    BoxNr string
    BuildingID integer
    BusDistance integer
    BusDistanceComment string
    CableType string
    CadastralDivision string
    CadastralEntite string
    CadastrallIncomeIndexed decimal number
    CadastrallIncomeNonIndexed decimal number
    CadastralNumero string
    CadastralSection string
    CadastralSurface string
    CertificateElectricity string
    CertificateGasoline string
    ChargesComment string
    ChargesOwner decimal number
    ChargesRenter decimal number
    City string
    CO2Emission decimal number
    Color string
    Comment string
    Composition string
    ConditionID integer
    ConditionT string
    Connections integer
    ConnectionsName string
    ConstructionCost decimal number
    ConstructionT string
    ConstructionType integer
    ConstructionYear integer
    ContractRegisterDivision string
    ContractRegisterNumero string
    ContractRegisterSection string
    ContractStart datetime
    CountryAbbr string
    CountryID integer
    CreatedDate string
    DateFree string
    DepositAmount decimal number
    DepositBank string
    DepositNumber string
    DepositType integer
    DisableEPC boolean
    District string
    DrainType string
    ElectronicType string
    Elevel integer
    EnergyCertificateEndDate string
    EnergyPerformance decimal number
    EnviromentID integer
    EPCExtra string
    EPCLabel integer
    EPCLabelText string
    EPCTotal integer
    EpcType integer
    EpcUnit string
    EstimateValue decimal number
    ExteriorID integer
    ExternalID string
    FBFloors decimal number
    FBInteriorDoors decimal number
    FBKitchen decimal number
    FBSanitary decimal number
    FBSkirtingBoards decimal number
    FBWallTiles decimal number
    FloodRiscAreaId integer
    FloodZoneGScore integer
    FloodZoneGScoreIconUrl string
    FloodZonePScore integer
    FloodZonePScoreIconUrl string
    Floor integer
    Floorplan integer
    FloorplannerID string
    FreeWhenSold integer
    FrontWidth decimal number
    GaragePossible boolean
    GaragePrice decimal number
    GasType string
    GeneralConclusion string
    GeographicID integer
    Goal integer
    GooglePOVHeading decimal number
    GooglePOVPitch decimal number
    GoogleStreetShow boolean
    GoogleStreetZoom integer
    GoogleX string
    GoogleY string
    GroundCertificate integer
    GroundPart decimal number
    HasAnnex boolean
    HasAtrium boolean
    HasAttic boolean
    HasCable boolean
    HasCellar boolean
    HasDrain boolean
    HasElectronic boolean
    HasFurnished boolean
    HasGarden boolean
    HasGas boolean
    HasLift boolean
    HasPhone boolean
    HasTerrace boolean
    HasWater boolean
    Heating integer
    HeatingB integer
    HeatingComments string
    HighWayDistance integer
    HighWayDistanceComment string
    Hoofd1 string
    Hoofd2 string
    HoofdType1 integer
    HoofdType2 integer
    HouseNumber string
    ID integer
    Ident string
    IncomeAnnual decimal number
    IncomeMonth decimal number
    IncomeYield decimal number
    IndexedRent integer
    InInvoiceOwner boolean
    InteriorID integer
    InvoicedAmount decimal number
    InvoicedAmoutVatInc decimal number
    InvoiceDate datetime
    InvoiceNr string
    InvoiceRenterDate datetime
    InvoiceRenterNr string
    IsFloodriskIcon boolean
    IsOffice boolean
    IsSelectedByPersonId boolean
    IsVAT boolean
    JudicialDecision integer
    JudicialDecisionDescription string
    Kitchen integer
    KitchenComments string
    LastChange integer
    LastChangedDate string
    LastChangedPriceDate string
    MainGeographicID integer
    MainStyleID integer
    MainTypeID integer
    ManagerBIV string
    ManagerDirectPhone string
    ManagerEmail string
    ManagerID integer
    ManagerMobilePhone string
    ManagerName string
    ManagerPhoto string
    Marquee integer
    MarqueeShowOrder integer
    MaxNrPersons integer
    MetroDistance integer
    MetroDistanceComment string
    MinimumRevenue decimal number
    ModifiedSubstatusDate string
    MonthlyRent integer
    NegativeFactor string
    NegativeForfaitComment string
    NegativeForfaitNumber integer
    NegativeForfaitPrice decimal number
    NotaryFee decimal number
    NotaryFee2 decimal number
    NotaryFeeVAT decimal number
    NotaryFeeVAT2 decimal number
    NrUnits decimal number
    NumberOfBathRooms integer
    NumberOfBedRooms integer
    NumberOfExternalParkings integer
    NumberOfFloors integer
    NumberOfGarages integer
    NumberOfHeads integer
    NumberOfParkings integer
    NumberOfShowerRooms integer
    NumberOfToilets integer
    OrientationT string
    OthersComment string
    OthersNumber integer
    OthersPrice decimal number
    Overlevingsrente integer
    OwnerTotalCost decimal number
    OwnerTotalCostVatInc decimal number
    OZAAMID string
    ParkingExternalPossible boolean
    ParkingExternalPrice decimal number
    ParkingPossible boolean
    ParkingPrice decimal number
    Permit integer
    PermitDate string
    PermitEnd string
    PermitRenewable boolean
    PetsAllowed integer
    PhoneType string
    PlotDepth integer
    PlotWidth decimal number
    PositiveFactor string
    PositiveForfaitComment string
    PositiveForfaitNumber integer
    PositiveForfaitPrice decimal number
    PotentialIncomeAnnual decimal number
    PotentialIncomeMonth decimal number
    PotentialIncomeYield decimal number
    PotentialYield decimal number
    PreemptiveRights integer
    Prepay integer
    PrePayComm decimal number
    PrePayCommVatInc decimal number
    PrePayTypeID integer
    Price decimal number
    PriceUnit integer
    ProjectID integer
    PromiseToBuy string
    PromiseToRent string
    PublishAddress boolean
    PublishPrice boolean
    Quiet integer
    QuietName string
    RealCommission decimal number
    RealCommissionVatInc decimal number
    RealEstateTax decimal number
    RecordFile string
    RegisteredRight decimal number
    RegisteredRight2 decimal number
    RegistrationScript string
    RegistrationScript2 string
    RegistrationType string
    RegistrationType2 string
    RegistrationType2Id integer
    RegistrationTypeId integer
    RenterInventory decimal number
    RenterTotalCost decimal number
    RenterTotalCostVatInc decimal number
    Residence string
    RoofT string
    RoomsExt integer
    SalePrice integer
    School integer
    SchoolDistance integer
    SchoolDistanceComment string
    SchoolName string
    Servitudes string
    SiteID integer
    SituationPictures Collection of string
    SmokeDetector decimal number
    SmokingAllowed integer
    StartCommercialisation string
    StartPrice integer
    StationDistance integer
    StationDistanceComment string
    Status integer
    StatusChangeComment string
    StoresDistance integer
    StoresDistanceComment string
    Street string
    SubStatus integer
    SubstatusDate string
    Summons integer
    SurfaceConstructed decimal number
    SurfaceGarden decimal number
    SurfaceGround integer
    SurfaceGround2 decimal number
    SurfaceLiving decimal number
    SurfaceOffice integer
    SurfaceStore integer
    SurfaceTerrace decimal number
    SurfaceTotal decimal number
    TotalCost decimal number
    TotalCost2 decimal number
    TotalInvoiceRenter decimal number
    TotalInvoiceRenterVatInc decimal number
    TotalPrice decimal number
    TotalPrice2 decimal number
    Trace integer
    TraceName string
    TramDistance integer
    TramDistanceComment string
    TypeOfContract integer
    TypeOfMandateID integer
    UniqueCode string
    UnitOrder integer
    VariousCosts decimal number
    VATBuilding decimal number
    VatValue decimal number
    Viager boolean
    ViagerType integer
    VirtualTour string
    VirtualTour2 string
    VisitingHours string
    WaterType string
    WebID integer
    WebIDs string
    WindowComments string
    Zip string

InternalPropertyDocument (Object)

InternalPropertyDocumentTranslation (Object)

InternalPropertyList (Object)

InternalPropertyPicture (Object)

InternalPropertyPictureGroup (Object)

InternalPropertyPictureGroupTranslation (Object)

InternalPropertyPictureTranslation (Object)

InternalPropertyTranslation (Object)

  • List of properties:
  • The field name in the API Data Type Db field
    AllotmentpermitText string
    AreaApplicationName string
    AsbestosTypeText string
    AsBuiltText string
    CertificateElectricityName string
    CertificateGasolineName string
    City string
    ConditionName string
    ConstructionName string
    CountryName string
    DescriptionA string
    DescriptionB string
    DescriptionC string
    DescriptionD string
    DescriptionE string
    DescriptionE2 string
    DescriptionF string
    DescriptionG string
    DescriptionH string
    DescriptionI string
    DescriptionJ string
    EnviromentName string
    EnviromentNames Collection of string
    EpcTypeText string
    EpcUnit string
    ExteriorName string
    ExteriorNames Collection of string
    FloodRiscAreaText string
    FloodriskName string
    FloodZoneGScoreText string
    FloodzoneName string
    FloodZonePScoreText string
    FreeWhenSoldName string
    GeographicNames Collection of string
    GoalNames Collection of string
    GroundCertificateName string
    HeatingBName string
    HeatingName string
    HtmlDescriptionE string
    HtmlDescriptionF string
    InteriorName string
    InteriorNames Collection of string
    JudicialDecisionText string
    KitchenName string
    LanguageID integer
    MainGeographicName string
    MainStyleName string
    MainTypeName string
    MarqueeName string
    MaxDuration string
    PermitText string
    PetsAllowedText string
    PreemptiveRightsText string
    PrePayTypeText string
    PriceUnitText string
    PrimaryID integer
    Rear string
    RiverbankzoneName string
    Roof string
    RoofMaterial string
    SmokingAllowedText string
    Street string
    StyleNames Collection of string
    SummonsText string
    TypeDescription string
    TypeOfContractName string
    TypeOfContractNames Collection of string
    TypeOfMandateName string
    ViagerTypeText string
    WebIDName string
    WindowFrame string
    WindowGlazing string
    Zolder string

InternalPropMultItem (Object)

InternalPropMultItemTranslation (Object)

InternalSite (Object)

InternalTag (Object)

InternalTagTranslation (Object)

MailingRequest (Object)

MailingResponse (Object)

MediaAllPropertyTypesStatisticsGraph (Object)

MediaObjectStatistics (Object)

MediaObjectStatisticsGraphDetail (Object)

MediaObjectStatisticsGraphDetailData (Object)

NeighbourhoodPicture (Object)

ObjectStatusChangedHis (Object)

OldWebSiteUrl (Object)

ParameterBase (Object)

PersonHistory (Object)

PersonPropertyVisit (Object)

PictureGroup (Object)

PrevNextItem2 (Object)

ProcessEmailRequest (Object)

ProjectDocument (Object)

ProjectFeature (Object)

ProjectPictures (Object)

ProjectWebIDItem (Object)

PropertyCheckList (Object)

PropertyForBrochure (Object)

  • List of properties:
  • The field name in the API Data Type Db field
    AdditionalCharges decimal number
    AdditionalChargesVatInc decimal number
    AgreementDate string
    AirportDistance integer
    AirportDistanceComment string
    AllotmentpermetRenewable boolean
    Allotmentpermit integer
    AllotmentpermitDate string
    AllotmentpermitEnd string
    AllotmentpermitText string
    AreaApplicationID integer
    AreaApplicationName string
    AsbestosDate string
    AsbestosType integer
    AsbestosTypeText string
    AsBuilt integer
    AsBuiltText string
    AttorneyFees decimal number
    AttorneyFees2 decimal number
    AvailableComment string
    BaseActCost decimal number
    Bouquet integer
    BoxNr string
    BuildingID integer
    BusDistance integer
    BusDistanceComment string
    CableType string
    CadastralDivision string
    CadastralEntite string
    CadastrallIncomeIndexed decimal number
    CadastrallIncomeNonIndexed decimal number
    CadastralNumero string
    CadastralSection string
    CadastralSurface string
    CeilingHeight integer
    CertificateElectricity string
    CertificateElectricityName string
    CertificateGasoline string
    CertificateGasolineName string
    Characteristics Collection of Characteristic
    Characteristics1 Collection of Characteristic
    Characteristics2 Collection of Characteristic
    ChargesComment string
    ChargesNames Collection of ChargeItem
    ChargesOwner decimal number
    ChargesRenter decimal number
    City string
    CO2Emission decimal number
    Color string
    Comment string
    CompanyCity string
    CompanyEmail string
    CompanyHouseNumber string
    CompanyLogo string
    CompanyPhoneNumber string
    CompanyStreet string
    CompanyWebsite string
    CompanyZip string
    Composition string
    ConditionID integer
    ConditionName string
    ConditionT string
    Connections integer
    ConnectionsName string
    ConstructionCost decimal number
    ConstructionName string
    ConstructionT string
    ConstructionType integer
    ConstructionTypeText string
    ConstructionYear integer
    ContractEnd datetime
    ContractRegisterDivision string
    ContractRegisterNumero string
    ContractRegisterSection string
    ContractStart datetime
    CountryAbbr string
    CountryID integer
    CountryName string
    CreatedDate string
    DateFree string
    DepositAmount decimal number
    DepositBank string
    DepositNumber string
    DepositType integer
    DescriptionA string
    DescriptionB string
    DescriptionC string
    DescriptionD string
    DescriptionE string
    DescriptionE2 string
    DescriptionF string
    DescriptionG string
    DescriptionH string
    DescriptionI string
    DescriptionJ string
    DisableEPC boolean
    District string
    Divisions Collection of Division
    DocumentItems Collection of Document
    Documents Collection of string
    DrainType string
    ElectricityDate datetime
    ElectricityDoubleMeterDayValue decimal number
    ElectricityDoubleMeterNightValue decimal number
    ElectricityDoubleMeterNumber string
    ElectricityEAN string
    ElectricityExpert string
    ElectricityExpiredDate datetime
    ElectricityNightOnlyMeterNumber string
    ElectricityNightOnlyMeterValue decimal number
    ElectricitySimpleMeterNumber string
    ElectricitySimpleMeterValue decimal number
    ElectricityUniqueCode string
    ElectronicType string
    Elevel integer
    EnergyCertificateEndDate string
    EnergyPerformance decimal number
    EnviromentID integer
    EnviromentName string
    EnviromentNames Collection of string
    EPCExtra string
    EPCLabel integer
    EPCTotal integer
    EpcType integer
    EpcTypeText string
    EpcUnit string
    EstimateValue decimal number
    ExteriorID integer
    ExteriorItems Collection of PropMultItem
    ExteriorName string
    ExteriorNames Collection of string
    ExternalID string
    FBFloors decimal number
    FBInteriorDoors decimal number
    FBKitchen decimal number
    FBSanitary decimal number
    FBSkirtingBoards decimal number
    FBWallTiles decimal number
    FloodRiscAreaId integer
    FloodRiscAreaText string
    Floodrisk integer
    FloodriskName string
    FloodriskText string
    FloodZoneGScore integer
    FloodZoneGScoreIconUrl string
    FloodZoneGScoreText string
    FloodzoneName string
    FloodZonePScore integer
    FloodZonePScoreIconUrl string
    FloodZonePScoreText string
    Floor integer
    Floorplan integer
    FloorplannerID string
    FreeWhenSold integer
    FreeWhenSoldName string
    FrontWidth decimal number
    GaragePossible boolean
    GaragePrice decimal number
    GardenOrientation integer
    GardenOrientationName string
    GasEAN string
    GasMeterNumber string
    GasMeterValue decimal number
    GasType string
    GeneralConclusion string
    GeographicID integer
    GeographicNames Collection of string
    GetterBIV string
    GetterDirectPhone string
    GetterEmail string
    GetterID integer
    GetterMobilePhone string
    GetterName string
    GetterPhoto string
    Goal integer
    GoalNames Collection of string
    GooglePOVHeading decimal number
    GooglePOVPitch decimal number
    GoogleStreetShow boolean
    GoogleStreetZoom integer
    GoogleX string
    GoogleY string
    GroundCertificate integer
    GroundCertificateName string
    GroundPart decimal number
    HasAnnex boolean
    HasAtrium boolean
    HasAttic boolean
    HasCable boolean
    HasCellar boolean
    HasDrain boolean
    HasElectronic boolean
    HasFurnished boolean
    HasGarden boolean
    HasGas boolean
    HasGoodsLift boolean
    HasLift boolean
    HasPhone boolean
    HasTechnicalData boolean
    HasTerrace boolean
    HasWater boolean
    Heating integer
    HeatingB integer
    HeatingBName string
    HeatingComments string
    HeatingName string
    Heritages Collection of Heritage
    HighWayDistance integer
    HighWayDistanceComment string
    Hoofd1 string
    Hoofd2 string
    HoofdType1 integer
    HoofdType2 integer
    HouseNumber string
    HtmlDescriptionE string
    HtmlDescriptionF string
    ID integer
    Ident string
    IncomeAnnual decimal number
    IncomeMonth decimal number
    IncomeYield decimal number
    IndexedRent integer
    InInvoiceOwner boolean
    InteriorID integer
    InteriorItems Collection of PropMultItem
    InteriorName string
    InteriorNames Collection of string
    InvoicedAmount decimal number
    InvoicedAmoutVatInc decimal number
    InvoiceDate datetime
    InvoiceNr string
    InvoiceRenterDate datetime
    InvoiceRenterNr string
    IsFloodriskIcon boolean
    IsOffice boolean
    IsSelectedByPersonId boolean
    IsVAT boolean
    JudicialDecision integer
    JudicialDecisionDescription string
    JudicialDecisionText string
    Kitchen integer
    KitchenComments string
    KitchenName string
    LargePicture string
    LargePictureItem PropertyPicture
    LargePictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    LargePictures Collection of string
    LastChange integer
    LastChangedDate string
    LastChangedPriceDate string
    LegalFields string
    MainGeographicID integer
    MainGeographicName string
    MainStyleID integer
    MainStyleName string
    MainTypeID integer
    MainTypeName string
    ManagerBIV string
    ManagerDirectPhone string
    ManagerEmail string
    ManagerID integer
    ManagerMobilePhone string
    ManagerName string
    ManagerPhoto string
    Marquee integer
    MarqueeName string
    MarqueeShowOrder integer
    MaxDuration string
    MaxNrPersons integer
    MediumPictureItem PropertyPicture
    MediumPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    MetroDistance integer
    MetroDistanceComment string
    MgnrTransferDate datetime
    MinimumRevenue decimal number
    ModifiedSubstatusDate string
    MonthlyRent integer
    NegativeFactor string
    NegativeForfaitComment string
    NegativeForfaitNumber integer
    NegativeForfaitPrice decimal number
    NeighbourhoodID integer
    NewElectricitySupplier string
    NewGasSupplier string
    NewWaterSupplier string
    NotaryFee decimal number
    NotaryFee2 decimal number
    NotaryFeeVAT decimal number
    NotaryFeeVAT2 decimal number
    NumberOfAirConditionings integer
    NumberOfBathRooms integer
    NumberOfBedRooms integer
    NumberOfDoubleToilets integer
    NumberOfExternalParkings integer
    NumberOfFalseCeilings integer
    NumberOfFloors integer
    NumberOfGarages integer
    NumberOfHeads integer
    NumberOfParkings integer
    NumberOfPartitionings integer
    NumberOfRaisedFloors integer
    NumberOfShowerRooms integer
    NumberOfToilets integer
    OfficeID integer
    OfficeName string
    OrientationT string
    OthersComment string
    OthersNumber integer
    OthersPrice decimal number
    Overlevingsrente integer
    OwnerTotalCost decimal number
    OwnerTotalCostVatInc decimal number
    OZAAMID string
    ParkingExternalPossible boolean
    ParkingExternalPrice decimal number
    ParkingPossible boolean
    ParkingPrice decimal number
    PdfFiles Collection of string
    Permit integer
    PermitDate string
    PermitEnd string
    PermitRenewable boolean
    PermitText string
    PetsAllowed integer
    PetsAllowedText string
    PhoneType string
    PictureGroups Collection of PictureGroup
    PlotDepth integer
    PlotWidth decimal number
    PointOfInterests Collection of PropertyPointOfInterest
    PositiveFactor string
    PositiveForfaitComment string
    PositiveForfaitNumber integer
    PositiveForfaitPrice decimal number
    PotentialIncomeAnnual decimal number
    PotentialIncomeMonth decimal number
    PotentialIncomeYield decimal number
    PreemptiveRights integer
    PreemptiveRightsText string
    Prepay integer
    PrePayComm decimal number
    PrePayCommVatInc decimal number
    PreviousElectricitySupplier string
    PreviousGasSupplier string
    PreviousWaterSupplier string
    Price decimal number
    PriceUnit integer
    PriceUnitText string
    ProjectID integer
    PublishAddress boolean
    PublishPrice boolean
    Quiet integer
    QuietName string
    RealCommission decimal number
    RealCommissionVatInc decimal number
    RealEstateTax decimal number
    Rear string
    RecordFile string
    RegisteredRight decimal number
    RegisteredRight2 decimal number
    RegistrationScript string
    RegistrationScript2 string
    RegistrationType string
    RegistrationType2 string
    RegistrationType2Id integer
    RegistrationTypeId integer
    RenterInventory decimal number
    RenterTotalCost decimal number
    RenterTotalCostVatInc decimal number
    RentToCompany string
    Residence string
    RiverbankzoneName string
    Roof string
    RoofCondition string
    RoofMaterial string
    RoofT string
    RoomsExt integer
    SalePrice integer
    School integer
    SchoolDistance integer
    SchoolDistanceComment string
    SchoolName string
    Servitudes string
    SignerBIV string
    SignerDirectPhone string
    SignerEmail string
    SignerID integer
    SignerMobilePhone string
    SignerName string
    SignerPhoto string
    Site PropertySite
    SiteID integer
    SituationPictures Collection of SituationPicture
    SmallPicture string
    SmallPictureItem PropertyPicture
    SmallPictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    SmallPictures Collection of string
    SmokeDetector decimal number
    SmokingAllowed integer
    SmokingAllowedText string
    StartPrice integer
    StationDistance integer
    StationDistanceComment string
    Status integer
    StatusChangeComment string
    StoresDistance integer
    StoresDistanceComment string
    Street string
    StyleNames Collection of string
    SubStatus integer
    SubstatusDate string
    SubStatusName string
    Summons integer
    SummonsText string
    SurfaceConstructed decimal number
    SurfaceGarden decimal number
    SurfaceGround integer
    SurfaceGround2 decimal number
    SurfaceLiving decimal number
    SurfaceOffice integer
    SurfaceStore integer
    SurfaceTerrace decimal number
    SurfaceTotal decimal number
    TerraceOrientation integer
    TerraceOrientationName string
    TotalCost decimal number
    TotalCost2 decimal number
    TotalInvoiceRenter decimal number
    TotalInvoiceRenterVatInc decimal number
    TotalPrice decimal number
    TotalPrice2 decimal number
    Trace integer
    TraceName string
    TramDistance integer
    TramDistanceComment string
    TypeDescription string
    TypeOfContract integer
    TypeOfContractName string
    TypeOfContractNames Collection of string
    TypeOfMandateID integer
    TypeOfMandateName string
    UniqueCode string
    UnitOrder integer
    VariousCosts decimal number
    VATBuilding decimal number
    VatValue decimal number
    Viager boolean
    ViagerType integer
    ViagerTypeText string
    VirtualTour string
    VirtualTour2 string
    VisitingHours string
    Volume integer
    WaterCustomerId string
    WaterMeterNumber string
    WaterMeterValue decimal number
    WaterType string
    WebID integer
    WebIDName string
    WebIDs string
    WindowComments string
    WindowFrame string
    WindowGlazing string
    XLargePictureItem PropertyPicture
    XLargePictureItems Collection of PropertyPicture
    Zip string

PropertyForBrochureCharacteristic (Object)

PropertyGeoCity (Object)

PropertyPicture (Object)

PropertyPictureFromDB (Object)

PropertyPointOfInterest (Object)

PropertyVisitPossibilities (Object)

PropertyVisitPossibilitiesAppointment (Object)

PropMultItem (Object)

Relation (Object)

SplitPicturesAndDocumentsRequest (Object)

SplitPicturesRequest (Object)

UpdateMediasRequest (Object)

WebIDItem (Object)

WebIDItemTranslation (Object)